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Funded projects by country


Welcome-Babbelkot – Han Caves Visit - 1280,00€

Welcome-Babbelkot requested funding a visit of underprivileged children to the Han caves and wildlife park on safari-car, on their summer camp in July 2024, on the theme of the mysteries of water. These children are 24, aged from 6 to 12 years.

Les Petits Riens – Bicycle garage for a reception centre - 4400,00€

Les Petits Riens creates a reception structure for people who are homeless or in need of housing. This new day centre will centralize all front-line help services. Assistance is social, medical, psycho-social, legal, material and food. It is also a place where beneficiaries can rest and take a shower. The request concerns the financing of the bike room.


Welcome Babbelkot - An Unforgettable Day at the Brussels Comic Book Museum - 340,00€

Twenty-four children from very poor backgrounds were able to visit the Brussels Comic Book museum and participate in workshops.

Compagnons Dépanneurs – Purchase of a Van - 3000,00€

Compagnons Dépanneurs helps marginalized individuals to live in decent housing conditions by performing minor repair, renovation, or maintenance work in their homes. They have requested funding for a used van, primarily for moving purposes.

This project has been funded in partnership with Afiliatys asbl.

Renovassistance – Kitchens for Social Housing - 8000,00€

Renovassistance renovates dilapidated or abandoned buildings in the Brussels region and entrusts them to a social real estate agency that provides decent housing for financially disadvantaged individuals. They have requested funding for kitchen installations in one of their social housing units. The beneficiaries would be two families of 3 or 4 and a single person or a couple.


L'Ilot – Emergency escape door and ladder in a shelter for homeless people - 6000,00€

This project involves funding an emergency door and a ladder with a walkway for evacuation in case of fire, in a temporary shelter for homeless people. This new shelter was acquired following a fire in the Jumet house.

Welcome Babbelkot – A day in Pairi Daiza - 1250,00€

The purpose of the non-profit organisation Welcome-Babbelkot is to integrate families in precarious situations and to promote intercultural cohabitation, in a neighbourhood whose population is of emigrant origin and in social and financial precariousness. It requested funding for the visit of 25 disadvantaged children to Pairi Daiza, during their summer camp whose theme will be the animal world.


L'Ilot – Securing reception centres - Brussels and Jumet - 7000,00€

The non-profit organisation L'Ilot strives to meet the needs of homeless people in very precarious situations so that they can rebuild themselves sustainably. It has been awarded 7,000€ to secure two of its reception houses, one in Brussels, the other in Jumet (Charleroi), following the advice of professionals in the security of places and people.

Babbelkot – Summer Camp – Etterbeek - 720,00€

A project co-financed by GIVE EUR-HOPE & DG BUDG Charity Art Auction

The non-profit organisation Babbelkot, which organises integration activities for disadvantaged people in Etterbeek, has been awarded 720€ to provide 24 children with a day of astronaut experience at the Euro Space Centre in Redu. 

Solidarité Grands Froids – equipping of a reception centre and products for the homeless – Brussels - 4250,00€

The NGO Solidarité Grands Froids in Brussels, which helps people on the streets, has asked to finance the acquisition of computer equipment, a stock of hygiene and clothing products and the equipping of a shed to distribute these products to homeless people. The association requested 5,500€. The project is co-financed with 2,265€ raised through the Christmas collection of DG HR.

Renovassistance – renovation of kitchens – Jette - 7000,00€

Renovassistance is a non-profit association that renovates dilapidated or abandoned buildings in the Brussels Region, entrusting them to a social real estate agency that provides decent housing for people in financial difficulty. The association asked for 10,600€ to finance the renovation of kitchens in 3 apartments in a building with a garden. The Board agreed to finance 2 kitchens at 3,500€ each.

Ellen Schraudolph


We received a generous donation in memory of Ellen Schraudolph for her project GIVE EUR-HOPE. We warmly thank the donors and shall never forget Ellen’s smile and commitment.


Securing the Marguerite Welcome Centre - Liege - 9376,00€

A project co-financed by GIVE EUR-HOPE and AFILIATYS

The association La Marguerite asbl took its name from the Liège district of Sainte Marguerite, where it has been based for several years. This area has faced a profound socio-economic decline since the early 1970s. Most of the children and adolescents in La Marguerite live in precarious conditions and receive significant help from the applicant. This support takes various forms: as an approved school for homework, school accompaniment and remediation workshops for children and teenagers; as a local integration initiative providing courses in French as a foreign language and literacy as well as citizen orientation workshops for adults and generally providing a front-line welcome for people in social, economic or moral difficulties through listening and providing advice and guidance Following a visit by the Liège Fire Department, the building is no longer compliant to accommodate the public, which would result in not only the loss of 11 jobs but also a loss of social ties for the inhabitants of the already socially fragile neighbourhood and a probable increased school dropout rate for many children and adolescents. This is the first project to be funded jointly under the Memorandum of Understanding between GIVE EUR-HOPE and AFYLIATIS. Each will provide 4,688€ towards securing the property.

Covid-19 - 2000,00€

As a mark of solidarity the Board of Directors decided that GIVE EUR-HOPE should provide 1,000€ each in support to the Belgian associations Infimiers de Rue and UNLESS asbl.

Notre Abri – Replacement of flooring - Belgium (Brussels) - 2500,00€

Notre Abri cares young children from families in great difficulty. It houses 64 children who have been entrusted to it by the Youth Service or the Youth Court. This association requested the intervention of GIVE EUR-HOPE which awarded it 2,500€ for the replacement of the flooring of 7 living units in the house. RTBF 

Renovassistance - Renovation of 2 kitchens - Belgium (Molenbeek) - 7000,00€

Renovassistance is a non-profit organisation that renovates dilapidated or abandoned buildings in Brussels region, to entrust them to a Social Real Estate Agency which provides decent housing to people in financial difficulties. GIVE EUR-HOPE provided 7,000€ towards the renovation of two kitchens in the multi-cultural area of Molenbeek.


Summer camp - Babbelkot - 400,00€

Babbelkot, which organises integration activities for disadvantaged people in Etterbeek, was granted 400 € by GIVE EUR-HOPE for the participation of 25 children in a summer camp. The theme of this camp will be the construction of a city by budding architects.


Les Petits Riens - Renovation of the social restaurant - Belgium (Brussels) - €5.000

Every year "Les Petits Riens" helps some 1,500 vulnerable people to rebuild their lives through access to shelter, employment and financial or other support. Thanks to the recycling of used clothes and the reuse of abandoned objects, this charity supports social integration and vocational training of low-skilled people. In this framework, they have set up a reception house with a social restaurant that serves some 220 hot meals every day to homeless individuals and helps some of them back into the labor market. As part of the renovation of this restaurant, Give Eur Hope has financed the € 5,000 needed to purchase an electric skillet.

Compagnons dépanneurs - Do-it-yourself and gardening tools - Belgium (Liège) - €2,000

« Les compagnons dépanneurs » is a charity which promotes housing through plumbing, electricity, or other repairs, to help disadvantaged people in exchange of a modest contribution to material costs, as it provides labor for free. Give Eur Hope gave them € 2,000 to renew their tools and expand their activities into gardening.

Roots to Grow - Learning Materials - Belgium (Brussels) – €6,000

« Au fil de l'enfance » is a charity which promotes better living together for different generations and cultures of populations subject to social exclusion. Its "Roots to Grow" project invites children from schools in Molenbeek, Schaerbeek and Saint-Josse to explore their roots and to present them in their school.

Renovassistance – Kitchen renovation in a social housing project-Belgium (Brussels) – €7,200

Renovassistance is a non-profit organization that renovates dilapidated or abandoned buildings in Brussels region, to entrust them to a Social Real Estate Agency which provides decent housing to people in financial difficulties. Give Eur Hope donated 7,200 € for the renovation of two kitchens in a social housing near Schaerbeek station.


Môma – Stages d'été pour enfants d'immigrés – Belgique - 1700,00€

Môma a.s.b.l. Cherche à créer un espace d'accueil, axé sur la culture, pour les enfants de 3 à 12 ans. Située dans un quartier populaire, non loin d'un centre d'accueil pour réfugiés de la Croix-Rouge, elle voudrait organiser des stages d'été pour des enfants de réfugiés avec des petits Tournaisiens. Môma demande 1.700 euros pour payer le stage pendant deux semaines de 10 enfants issus de familles ayant reçu le statut de réfugiés. Le projet a été concerté avec l'a.s.b.l. Tournai Refuge qui est en contact avec les familles de réfugiés.

Renovassistance – Réfection d'un logement social – Belgique - 4500,00€

Renovassistance est une association (asbl) qui rénove des immeubles abandonnés et les confie à une agence immobilière sociale pour des personnes en difficulté pour se loger décemment. Elle demande 6.874 € pour la rénovation d’une salle de bain, d’une salle de douche et d’une buanderie d'un logement destiné à une grande famille (4 à 6 enfants) à faibles revenus. GIVE EUR-HOPE a aidé Renovassistance en 2011 et en 2014. Le logement est souvent la première étape vers la réinsertion sociale.

Unless – Équipement d'aide aux sans-abri – Belgique - 7500,00€

Unless est une association (asbl) qui fournit aux sans-abri des repas et des possibilités sanitaires (douches et lavoirs). Elle demande de financer l’acquisition des équipements plus professionnels en vue d'atteindre davantage de personnes.


Au fil de l'enfance - Des Racines pour Grandir – Belgique - 8300,00€

Ce projet « des racines pour grandir » de l'a.s.b.l. « Au fil de l'enfance », qui promeut le mieux vivre ensemble  des différentes générations et cultures, consiste à inviter les élèves de 5ème et 6ème primaires à rechercher leurs racines et à les présenter, dans des écoles de deux communes avec une forte proportion d'immigrés. C'est un travail de prévention par rapport aux risques de violence, délinquance et radicalisation pour des populations précarisées et vivant l'exclusion sociale. Il a été réalisé depuis 5 ans dans une soixantaine de classes qui en avaient fait la demande. L’expérience montre qu’il donne le goût d’apprendre aux enfants et de la motivation aux enseignants. 

L'association demande de financer une partie significative de l'impression des fardes de l'enfant  et des interventions de formateurs dans les écoles.

Aménagement d’un lieu d’accueil - ATD Quart Monde – Bruxelles - 7950,00€

La Fondation ATD (Agir Tous dans la Dignité) Quart Monde Belgique demande le financement pour l'aménagement d'une salle pour l'accueil, la rencontre et l'expression artistique de personnes et familles en grande pauvreté.

Rénovation d’une maison d’accueil - Le 26 asbl (Foyer familial) - Charleroi - 5250,00€

Le Foyer familial de Charleroi, devenu le “26” est une maison d'accueil, d'hébergement et d'accompagnement, de femmes en difficultés sociales, dont la majorité est accompagnée d'enfants. Le promoteur demande de rénover l'éclairage par une installation LED, beaucoup plus économe en énergie, avec un impact positif sur l'environnement.

Promotion d’artistes réfugiés ou exilés - Muziekpublique asbl - Bruxelles - 1500,00€

L'asbl Muziekpublique promeut les musiques traditionnelles, populaires et folks. Pour cela, elle organise ainsi des concerts, offre des cours de musique et produit des CDs. Elle a réalisé l’enregistrement audio et vidéo dans un CD de musique traditionnelle par des musiciens réfugiés ou exilés, notamment de Syrie, d'Irak et d'Afghanistan, afin de revaloriser leur image. La demande concerne la contribution au lancement du CD.

Rénovation d'une maison d'accueil pour réfugiés - Convivium asbl - Bruxelles - 6300,00€

Le Mouvement Convivial a pour but de faciliter une insertion harmonieuse des réfugiés et demandeurs d'asile autorisés à séjourner en Belgique, par un accompagnement sur mesure jusqu'à l'initiation d'un nouveau projet de vie. Il met l'accent sur l'engagement et l'autonomie des personnes accompagnées. Ses services couvrent l'installation (accueil, écoute et logement) et l'insertion par des formations spécifiques. La demande concerne la rénovation d'espaces communs d'une maison d'accueil, gérée par son asbl Convivium.

Ce projet a été financé grâce aux dons et parrainages EKIDEN 2016.


Méthodes de travail- Les Amis d'Accompagner asbl – Bruxelles - 5000,00€

L'asbl « Les Amis d'Accompagner » a pour but d'accompagner physiquement sur le terrain des personnes en situation de précarité, pour des démarches auprès des administrations et des services sociaux ou judiciaires notamment, démarches requises pour l'aide sociale. La somme demandée vise à assurer le perfectionnement des méthodes de travail afin de prendre en compte les évolutions sociales et la complexité des procédures et des législations.

Le suivi

165 missions se sont déroulées du 19 août au 5 novembre 2015 et ont concerné 89 personnes différentes, accompagnées dans leurs démarches par 32 bénévoles différents.

64 de ces 165 missions ont été demandées par les partenaires ou les membres du réseau «  Les amis d’accompagner ».

Ateliers socio-culturels- Karousel asbl – Bruxelles - 6000,00€

L'asbl Karousel propose d'organiser des ateliers (architecture, photo et contes) pour 45 jeunes roms, sans papiers et issus de l'immigration. Parmi les participants, certains ont participé au projet de scolarisation de roms (2012/12) auquel GEH avait contribué. D'autres associations ont été aussi sollicitées, le budget total étant de 18.540 euros.

Plan de fontaines pour sans-abris - Infirmiers de rue asbl – Bruxelles - 400,00€

L'asbl Infirmiers de rue a demandé cette somme pour l'impression du dépliant reprenant le plan des « Fontaines d'eau potable et toilettes gratuites de Bruxelles », qu'elle voudrait afficher dans des lieux fréquentés par des sans-abris afin de favoriser leur hygiène et leur réinsertion psycho-médicale-sociale.

Camps d'été –Le Pivot asbl – Bruxelles - 3000,00€

Le Pivot propose à des personnes et familles vivant dans la grande pauvreté des projets dont elles sont les acteurs de changement, notamment par le partage d'expériences, l'ouverture à la culture et la rencontre avec le quartier (vallée du Maelbeek). Pour les enfants, il organise des camps d'été et des ateliers créatifs pendant l'année. Le soutien apporté permet aux enfants d'ouvrir leurs horizons et de développer leur confiance en eux et dans le groupe, comme tremplin vers d'autres engagements.

Formation d’une coiffeuse - Salon des femmes asbl - Bruxelles - 3500,00€

L'asbl Salon des Femmes offre à des femmes précarisées (chômeuses de longue durée, mères seules ou victimes de violences conjugales) des soins esthétiques, des conseils vestimentaires pour préparer un entretien d'embauche, une écoute et l'orientation par une travailleuse sociale vers des services compétents.Le soutien demandé à GEH vise à réduire le délai d'attente (croissant en raison de son succès) tout en formant à la coiffure une personne dépendante de l'aide sociale.

Ce projet a été financé grâce à la contribution de EC AST Network DG COMP.

Création d’atelier - CEFA – Bruxelles - 3210,00€

Le CEFA – Centre d'Education et de Formation en Alternance – pratique une alternance entre formation technique et formation en entreprise, donnant ainsi une dernière chance d'intégration scolaire et sociale. Son projet « Gratins de cultures » vise à favoriser l'expression culturelle des élèves en contact avec des artistes, pour lutter contre le décrochage scolaire. Il a été financé par GEH en 2013. Un membre de GEH était présent le 13 février 2015 à l'occasion du spectacle de Gratins de cultures et a fait un rapport très positif de cette visite. Il y a notamment un respect mutuel entre professeurs et élèves, et les élèves qui réussissent la formation trouvent tous un emploi.

Ce projet a été financé grâce aux dons et parrainages EKIDEN 2015.

Rapport de l’évaluateur du projet

15 jours de créativité artistique ont eu lieu du 2 au 13 février 2015. J’ai pu assister à la présentation des résultats des ateliers l’après-midi du 13 février.

141 élèves de différentes classes ont participé aux ateliers: expression dramatique, conte, théâtre, cinémapocket, slam, cirque. Pendant la présentation du 13 février, le Festivaleke, les élèves ont montré aussi une exposition reprenant les créations des ateliers photographie, space painting, art graphique, graffiti et street-art. Il y avait aussi l’affiche de présentation des activités et un drink avec des très bons petits snacks élaborés par les élèves.

Certaines présentations étaient remarquables et d'autres émouvantes parce qu'ils ont montrées les sensibilités et fragilités des jeunes. J'ai pu parler à plusieurs professeurs, animateurs et artistes. Il résultait de ces discussions que la chance de ceux qui terminent le CEFA avec succès sont très grandes d'avoir du travail après. Les élèves travaillent déjà 24 heures par semaines dans leur métier choisi et sont rémunérés. Une grande partie d'eux se réjouit chaque année de ces deux semaines consacrées au Gratin de cultures. Néanmoins, il y en a une participation fluctuante et instable aux ateliers ce qui rende le travail des animateurs assez difficile. En général, j'ai pu constater une énorme motivation sur les deux côtés - professeurs et élèves - et une vraie solidarité entre professeurs et élèves.

Remplacement de la centrale de détection des incendies - L'ÎLOT asbl – Bruxelles - 1000,00€

L'ïlot demande le soutien de GEH pour sa maison d'accueil pour femmes seules et familles à Bruxelles afin de renouveler la centrale de détection des incendies et la pose d'une porte coupe-feu pour la cuisine. L'objet de cette demande ayant été considéré comme à la limite de nos critères, il est décidé de circonscrire notre intervention à la porte coupe-feu.

Auto-école sociale - Chantier asbl – Charleroi - 5000,00€

L'asbl Chantier est un centre de formation professionnelle pour personnes très peu qualifiées qui sont au chômage ou qui bénéficient du revenu d'intégration sociale. Elle souhaite lancer une auto-école sociale afin de permettre l'obtention, par des personnes ayant suivi une formation professionnelle, du permis de conduire qui est exigé pour de nombreux emplois.


Provision of mattresses - L’ILOT asbl - Brussels - 3613,00€

The "L’Ilot" association is well known for its commitment to the poor and was funded by GEH in 2011 and 2012. The current project, called "S .Ac.A.Do", is based on the observation that homeless people who are relocated but unaccompanied, often face difficulties that result in them returning to the streets. The mission of L’Ilot is to accompany them during the time needed to become self-sufficient. After more than 2 years experience the success rate was 95%. Management of the rental housing agreements is looked after by a social Real Estate Agency. Furniture is available but L’Ilot has to take care of bedding, the cost of which amounts to € 3 613 for 25 mattresses, 30 blankets and anti-inflammable cushions. This project was funded thanks to proceeds from “Operation Grand Froid 2014”.

Renovation of 5 kitchen – Renovassistance asbl - Brussels - 8500,00€

The association "Renovassistance" was funded by GEH in 2011. It renovates housing for particularly disadvantaged families. This new application is for the renovation of five kitchen blocks in a long leased property for very disadvantaged families. This project was funded thanks to proceeds from the 2014 Ekiden Marathon.

Creation of a multipurpose room – OASIS asbl - Brussels - 3800,00€

Oasis is present in 10 countries worldwide and is designed to meet the practical needs of the poor. Oasis Belgium works in direct cooperation with local NGOs on the social integration of beneficiaries. The school “La Sagesse” was selected for funding. The current dining hall requires a total transformation including a boiler, toys and some equipment. This project was funded thanks to proceeds from the Schuman Trophy and the AST Network in DG Competition of the Commission.


Renovation of kitchens – Resto du Cœur - Brussels - 7560,00€

The Resto du Cœur is located in Laeken which has a high, long-term unemployment rate, especially among young people. The restaurant is open to all, to avoid stigmatising the poor. However, people on the lowest incomes receive a discount and some pay nothing. Due to an increasing number of clients, there is a lack of space and outdated kitchen equipment. The overall project - € 192 560 - is largely self-financed and benefits from a partnership with the CPAS of Brussels and other donors. GEH is paying the remaining costs. This project was funded thanks to proceeds from the 2013 Ekiden Marathon.

Social integration – Centre Social du Béguinage - Brussels - 2500,00€

Due to its location in the district of Béguinage, where a relatively large proportion of immigrants live, the Centre has naturally looked after newly-arrived foreigners. Not only are French language courses in short supply but they are also not very accessible to people without papers. There are problems of illiteracy, poverty, insecurity and marginalization. The project consists of several components designed to give up to 200 participants the tools necessary for individual and collective empowerment to promote their independence and a better understanding of their rights as citizens. The Centre recently faced cuts to its public funding and needs support for travel costs and advertising infrastructure.

Replacement of a boiler – Foyer Familial - Charleroi - 4800,00€

GEH already funded the Foyer in 2012. The new block built in the garden features 9 bedrooms, bathrooms, a living community, a kitchen and a meeting room. It can sleep up to 30 people at a time, comprising single-mothers and their children or single women. It has a 200 liter gas boiler, almost 30 years old and which has leaking pipes which had to be disconnected from the network. The water needs have increased since 1985 and are no longer sufficient. As a result, it was decided to install a 500L electric boiler.


Welcome room equipment – Flemish Refugee Action - 5100,00€

FRA provides a welcome service for refugees wishing to apply for asylum at the Immigration Office. They are offered hot soup and coffee and given the information needed for their application and other services (housing, counseling, etc.). The request is for the replacement of equipment at the centre. This project has been financed thanks to the generous donation of AFILIATYS.

Infrastructure – NASCI - Brussels - 1500,00€

Founded in December 2003, Nasci is a pluralistic and multicultural organization active in the Brussels region whose aim is to help children. The building is an old warehouse that belongs to the association and welcomes on a daily basis at least twenty women and their children. Proper maintenance of the building requires the replacement of the electrical system in the basement which stores the material and equipment to help the families.

This project was funded in cooperation with C.L.E.F. ASBL (Cercle des Loisirs de l'Enfant et de la Famille des Institutions de l'Union européenne). C.L.E.F. contribution amounts to 922,29 €.

Workshops - CEFA - Brussels - 1920,00€

In cooperation with the 'Institut de la Providence - CEFA'

CEFA in Anderlecht is situated in the Cureghem neighbourhood, which is one of the toughest in the district, with a population of young people with difficult family and social situations. The project aims to encourage school attendance when absenteeism is rife and to develop critical and creative talents. This involves creating a multi-disciplinary show (French songs, techno, graphics, photography, theatre, cooking, journalism). The total cost is €8,280 part of which is financed by the applicant and sponsors. GEH has been asked to provide €600 for buying material for the photography workshops, graphics (paper) and cooking (market purchases) and €1,920 for staff for the French song and techno workshops. This project has been financed in cooperation with the AST group of the Commission’s DG MARE.


Our Infrastructure - 1208,40€

In cooperation with 'NASCI' vzw

NASCI is a diverse, multi-cultural organization helping children in the Brussels region. Its aim is to prevent children from living in unacceptable conditions, bearing in mind that in Brussels one child in two lives below the poverty line. They are based in a former warehouse which they own. It is visited daily by at least 20 women and their children. The building needs a certain number of repairs (mainly carpentry work) to the front door and to some windows at the front and rear. Invoices for a total of €1,208.40 have been submitted.

Odd Jobs, In cooperation with 'Espace Social TELESERVICE' (Belgium) - 4750,00€

Espace Social Télé-Service has existed for more than 50 years and it aims to help deprived people and families by restoring or reinforcing their dignity. Amongst its activities, EST has set up a project to clean up and restore accommodation and organize low-cost moves to better housing (300 sites a year). Work is carried out by a team of disadvantaged young people with the aim of tackling school dropouts and to train them for qualified work. The van which they used was stolen. EST requested help to buy a replacement second-hand van.

Replacement of a boiler - 1978,05€

In cooperation with 'L’ILOT'

The Clos Centre provides a welcome and rest area where meals can also be served. Showers and washing machines for the homeless are also provided. The boiler which supplies hot water for the 6 showers, bathrooms and kitchen is out of order and GEH has been asked to finance its replacement.

Provision of mattresses for "Charleroi Family Hostel" asbl (Belgium) - 3400,00€

Without additional funding to that provided by the Wallonia Region (salaries et operating costs), it would be impossible to maintain a project in the heart of Charleroi dedicated to offering shelter to those in great distress. These are the victims of galloping poverty in the region who cannot be left out in the street, particularly in winter. In order to provide a reasonable welcome for them GEH has financed, in co-operation with the EC’s Local Staff Committee, the purchase of 25 mattresses and 5 bunk beds for young children to ensure essential comfort and hygiene requirements. This project has been financed thanks to the generous donation of the collection "Grand Froid 12".

Creation of an internet site and informatics workshop (Never without a Roof) - 4780,00€

In cooperation with "Jamais sans Toit" asbl

The project has a dual aim: to provide the Association with a website and to launch a web workshop for residents in the street. Training will be given on the use and maintenance of the website and help with its management through the publication of articles blogs and fora. The budget provides €3,500 for the site development (financing from another partner), €1,700 for the purchase of material and €3,080 for maintenance costs by paid experts.

At School with the ULB Roma children, Brussels (Belgium) - 4500,00€

In cooperation with "Karousel" asbl

This project targets homeless Roma families who fled their own countries (mainly Slovakia) because of poverty and discrimination and who were temporarily housed in ULB property before their eviction on 1 July 2012. The project, in collaboration with the asbl Karousel, aims to prepare for schooling 11 children from 10-16 years old who have had little or no education.  This is through multi-disciplinary workshops and helping them with school registration procedures. The project has been financed in association with colleagues from the Schuman Trophy and the participation of colleagues who took part in the Brussels 20km race.


Kitchen Renovation in downtown Brussels - 4000,00€

In cooperation with RENOVASSISTANCE

Renovassistance renovates old buildings to provide disadvantaged families with decent, healthy housing at low cost. GEH is supporting a project in the heart of Brussels between Place St Géry and Place Ste Catherine. The ground floor is a meeting space where, every afternoon, volunteers welcome deprived local people living on their own. The four upper floors will be renovated and divided into two 2-bedroom apartments and a duplex with 4 bedrooms. They will house three very poor families (income below 80% of the threshold to qualify for social housing). This project has been financed thanks to the generous donation of Solidarity Subcommittee Stage Fall 2010.

Follow-up report

Fight the digital fracture In cooperation with FOYER DES JEUNES DES MAROLLES (Belgium) - 3520,00€

Set up in 1961, the FJM has almost 200 more or less regular visitors – young people aged from 6 and 26, mainly from Maghreb or central Africa.

The FJM's goal is to support these young people in their personal and social development, through a welcome and listening programme, and projects (also intended to prevent youth offending).
The digital fracture project is for secondary-school children (12-16) attending the after-school homework club run the FJM since October 2010. Increasingly, the children need access to IT tools for their schoolwork. In addition, high-quality computers and other equipment are needed to run graphics and audio-visual software for projects that young people are working on with assistance from FJM staff. This project has been financed in cooperation with Schuman Trophy.

Renovation of three rooms in an emergency home for unprivileged women - 4700,00€

In cooperation with L’ILOT asbl.

The NGO L’ILOT asbl requested GEH contribute towards the renovation of three family rooms in an emergency home for unprivileged women based in Saint-Gilles.
The home provides essential initial help to the women allowing them to build up their strength, develop a life plan and obtain independence.
GEH’s has contributed €4,700 towards the purchase of furniture for the rooms. The renovation of the rooms themselves has been funded through contributions from other partners.